하나님 나라의 사고방식: 용서 1

몇년 전 한 사건 때문에 사람들이 저를 정죄하고 변명하거나 말할 기회조차도 주지 아니했습니다. 하나님께서 허락하신 사건이었지만 이것 때문에 저는 혼돈에 빠져 그 상황을 이해하지 못했습니다. 내가 사랑하고 아끼던 분들이어서 용서해 주려고 노력했지만 말만큼 용서하는 것은 쉬운 것이 아니었습니다. 이 때 하나님의 조용한 음성을 들었습니다: "용서해라. 그리고 나에게 맡겨라. 원수 갚는 것이 내게 있으니 내가 갚으리라"(롬12:19). 누구든 상처받고, 이용과 학대를 당하고, 거부당하고, 마음 상하면 용서할 생각이 없습니다. 하지만 우리는 용기를 가지고 나를 욕하고 해친 사람들을 용서해주어야 됩니다.
십자가에 있던 예수님을, 사람들은 죽여라, 처형하라고 외쳤습니다. 이 말씀에는 당신 삶을 변화 줄 수 있는 사실을 깨달으시기 바랍니다. 예수님의 죽음을 외쳤던 사람들 안에 사단의 영이 있었습니다. 종교적(광적인 신앙)인 사람들이었고 예수님의 가르침이 가짜라고 생각했기 때문에 정의를 요구하고 있었습니다. 이런 종교주의(광적인 신앙)는 하늘나라의 진리(원칙)를 보지 못하게 합니다. 이러한 사람들은 율법적이며 다른 사람들에게 동정하지 않습니다. 피해자를 정죄하고 멀리하며 이렇게 말합니다: 우리를 더럽게 하니까 멀리해야 돼! 본이 되지 않아!. 이들의 말에는 정죄와 저주가 있으며, 연민과 자비는 전혀 없습니다. 마귀는 이들을 사용하여 이웃에게 상처를 줍니다.
그러면 예수님의 태도는 어떠했습니까?. "아버지여 저희를 사하여 주옵소서, 자기의 하는 것을 알지 못함이니이다"(눅23:34). 예수님은 저들에게 분별이 없다는 것을 알고 있었습니다. 자기 안에 있는 악에서 행동했고, 그 자체가 지옥의 형상이었습니다. 하지만 예수님은 저들을 위해 하나님 아버지께 용서와 자비와 동정을 구했습니다. 만약 누가 당신을 욕하고 마음을 상하게 하였고, 아직도 분노와 증오를 느끼며 괴로움과 앙갚음이 있으면 [당신을 지배하는] 이 영들을 버리세[포기]요. 이러한 태도는 예수님의 모습이 아닙니다. 선한 태도는 선한 행동을 하게 합니다. 용서하세요, 이는 용기 있는 자들의 태도입니다. 당신의 태도는 이웃을 다치게 할 수 있으며, 또한 당신도 언젠간 용서가 필요하게 될 것입니다. 계시: 하나님 손 안에 일어난 일들을 맡기면, 하나님은 마귀에게 원수를 갚으십니다. 당신을 다치게 한 사람은 변화 받아 좋은 사람이 되고 나쁜 짓을 하지 않게 될 것입니다. 또한 당신에게 향한 모든 저주를 복으로 바꾸어 주실 것입니다.
오늘 저는 용서의 능력을 누리고, 원수 갚고자 하는 생각에서 자유와 기쁨을 누리고 마음이 편안합니다. 누구를 섬기는 종이 아니며, 아무도 나를 이것해라 저것해라 지시하지 않습니다. 오직 예수님만 나의 삶을 다스리십니다.
만약 아직도 예수님이 당신의 구세주가 아니면 지금 강한 변호사를 만날 수 있는 아주 좋은 기회입니다. 이 믿음의 기도를 따라하세요: 예수님, 나의 모든 죄를 용서해 주시옵소서. 변하기를 원합니다. 많은 사람들에게 상처를 주었습니다. 더 이상 이러고 싶지 않습니다. 주님의 피로 모든 죄악을 씻어주시옵소서. 생명책에 제 이름을 기록하여 주시옵소서. 만약 이러한 믿음의 기도를 처음 하셨으면 mrestauracionyvida@gmail.com로 이메일을 보내주시기 바랍니다. 당신과 가정을 위해 기도하고 있겠습니다.
당신의 삶에 하나님의 은혜와 용서가 있기를 바랍니다.


An expansive imagination that brings security about what will occur in the future. Through time and after speaking to many people, I came to the conclusion that it is through seeing or comprehending that many people receive their miracle because before they received the desire of their heart, they saw their healing, their spiritual blessing or their material blessing. A natural law exists that says: “If I see it, I possess it.” When one sees, one possesses because this gives the capacity to possess. I must also mention hope at this point. We could translate hope in the following way: “a vision for the future”. Automatically when one sees that things are going to change, that the situation or circumstance that one is living will change, hope enters the heart. When there is hope, one moves forward--one has the desire to move forward. If one stops having an imagination, hope leaves. It is time to talk to the Lord, saying to him, “I need to have a dream.”

What you see is what you will have. You must visualize first. Ana, in the Old Testament, was unable to have children. When she prayed to God, she saw herself pregnant. She saw that her deep parts began to grow and she saw her son born. She just thanked God for the miracle. There she released the faith that she had and trusted completely in that God would give her the request of her heart. Another example in the Bible, in the New Testament, is the woman with the issue of blood. She determined in her life that she would touch Jesus’ garment and said, “If I could only touch the hem of his garment, I will be healed.” First, she saw herself healed, she declared her healing and then her recompense was taking her miracle.

God always will have a word for your life. This word will, many times, bring great difficulties and will make you uncomfortable. Take on this challenge from him. Abraham lived in Ur of the Chaldeans and God said, “Leave your land and your relatives and go to a land that I will give you.” Revelation: God will always give you the best, even though you are living in a place where you are well and lack nothing. There will always be something better for you and your blessing will be more that what you currently have. God continued talking to Abraham, “Come out of your tent, look at the stars” and from that moment, Abraham began to imagine. God saw where Abraham had arrived. That’s when he could tell him, “Your descendents will be like the stars in the sky”. That enlarged Abraham’s imagination. He no longer thought in his personal impossibilities. He saw his blessing that had no limit and that only he could put limits on his blessing. He continued to remember the promise of God to him and his descendants. Revelation: When the Rhema word that God gives you personally is revealed to you, a vision of expansion is produced and only you can put limits on your blessing.

Finally, Abraham saw his future with God. His mentality changed and all the paradigms were broken forever in his life. Also, he left his comfort zone. You do the same. He believed in God, hoped against all hope. In other words, when you are in that position, keep dreaming. You must continue believing in the promise of God because it will arrive in due time, without fail. Abraham, after almost 25 years, received his promise: Isaac, his descendant. He was the happiest man on the face of the earth and saw his promise fulfilled in his lifetime. God will do the same for you as well.

I invite you to believe God. When he gives you a promise, he will fulfill it in your life. It is very simple. Just say this prayer of faith, “Jesus I want you to forgive all my sins. I accept you as my Lord and Personal Savior. Today I believe in you and from now on, I am yours. Amen.” Here is my e-mail address, where you can write to me so the World Restoration and Life Ministry can pray for you. mrestauracionyvida@gmail.com


If there is something that God works on everyday in the human being, it’s that he or she would have a changed mentality. When we were infants, we heard many negative words and for that reason, our mind is always subject to think in calamity. We have a sense of constant persecution and are always thinking negatively about ourselves: that we can’t do anything because we are the black sheep of the family, that we are incapable and that we never can do anything productive. Many people have that concept of themselves, as if they were good for nothing.

I want to give a solution to that problem that worries thousands of people in the entire world. The Word of God tells us: “Do not take this world as your model. On the contrary, transform yourselves interiorly renewing your mind, so that you can discern the will of God, which is good, that pleases him, which is perfect” (Romans 12:2). God wants your thoughts to be constantly changed. For you to be capable of casting away the negative in your mind that disturbs you and doesn’t allow you to achieve as a human being the right to prosper and be happy, to start new things, or in other words, to be a successful person.

If you do not renew your thoughts, you are like a room where the furniture is in the same place. It never changes, not even to be cleaned. It is old, ugly and full of dust. In other words, you have your mind thinking in the same things all the time. There isn’t a change that generates life and everything becomes routine. People will know you as a person who never has anything new. You are always in the same position without any radical change.

Begin to determine that you are a champion. You have qualities that no one else possesses. You are a very intelligent person, intrepid, clever; a person who can resolve any type of problem. The following story, according to what I was told, occurred in the United States. In a University of that country, there was a professor who needed a person to work as his professor’s assistant. He told his class that they would take a test. The person with the best grade would be the person to whom he would teach all that he knew.

There was a young man who dreamed of being the professor’s assistant. He was very happy. He started studying without ceasing, so much that he didn’t even leave his room, because his goal was to have the best grade on the test to obtain his dream. He was so concentrated that he didn’t realize that it was the day of the test and he was late. He arrived to class late and tried to explain his tardiness to the professor, and the professor told him to go take his seat and work because in another hour the test would be over.

When the time was up, this young man asked for 10 more minutes and the professor told him that there was no more time. The man said, “Tomorrow we will know who will be my professor’s aide. The next day, everyone was in class, and the name of this young man was Eliel. The professor called him and said, “My professor’s aide is Eliel.” The young man stood up and tried to explain why he arrived late and interrupted his professor. The professor quieted him and said: “You arrived late and you didn’t hear the indications that I gave to your classmates. On the left-hand side of the board, there was a mathematical calculation that did not have a solution and on the right-hand side, there was a problem that did have a solution. You resolved the three on the right hand side and then resolved the two on the left hand side that had no solution. That is why you are my Professor’s Aid.”

For that reason, beloved, tell your personal paradigms that you arrived late to class. Devil, I’m not going to listen to your advice about me. I reject all that you want to say to me. I rebel from now on out and I will never obey you because I renounce all the paradigms of my life. I am not the black sheep of my family. I am not the clumsy, awkward person that I said I was. I am a person that moves forward and does not look back. I do not have a past nor a present, I only have a future with God and I am a champion. I was born to overcome, I was born with a purpose of God in my life and I will fulfill the designs of God for me.
Maybe you are reading this message and you still do not have Jesus in your life. I invite you to say this prayer of faith, “Beloved Jesus, I want to accept you as my Lord and Personal Savior. Forgive all of my sins and I invoke your name over my life. I believe that now I am saved. Write my name in the Book of Life. Amen.”

I’m leaving you my e-mail so that you can contact me: mrestauracionyvida@Gmail.com
We will pray for your life so that everything goes well with you.



God’s care in your life is essential. That is why he left a spiritual guide for us which is his Word. God will never let his creation without course or at the mercy of the enemy. On the contrary, he is always willing to help and to bless his creation. In Isaiah 54:15 there is a promise of God that says: “If anyone does attack you, it will not be my doing; whoever attacks you will surrender to you”. I want you to pay close attention to his verse at this time because a powerful anointing is going to be released over your life that no one can stand up to for the rest of your days.

In the first place, I want to tell you that if you have Jesus as your Personal Savior you are invincible in the hand of God. You are his Son, and you have the presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in your life. On the basis of this knowledge, I will release a word to you that will turn your life around completely and you will be a different person. Because you will know that nothing can harm you. On the contrary, you will have victory over your life and you will be an example to many people and you will help thousands.

This promise says “If anyone conspires against you”. So you can see how important this is, the only person who is authorized to conspire against you is God, your Creator. Besides him, no one can conspire against you. But God our heavenly Father will never do this to his creation; on the contrary his word says “Because I myself know the thoughts that I am thinking towards you. Thoughts of peace and not of calamity, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11)
This promise says, “If anyone conspires against you.” Keep the following phrases in mind. Do you realize that no one can harm you? They can defame you. They can accuse you; they can say lies about your life. They can kick you out of your job. They can reject you at work, at church, in your family group. They will look for ways of taking you off the way. They will try you in everything to frustrate you, tire you and make you desist. You will exercise holy stubbornness. Stay in the place that God placed you because He is using the circumstance to make you grow and mature. In the end of the trial, you will be victorious and a weight of glory will be upon your life. You were born to triumph over any circumstance and God will never allow them to harm you.

If you still do not have Jesus in your life, this is your opportunity. You can say a prayer of faith; “Beloved Jesus, I want to have you with me. For this reason, I accept you in my heart. I ask you to forgive all of my sins and please, write my name in the Book of Life. Amen.” If you have said this prayer for the first time, you are welcome to the Spiritual World of the Kingdom of Heaven. Starting now, a covering of blessings is over your life and things will change in you. You can write to me at mrestauracionyvida@Gmail.com Write to me and tell me your problems and we will be praying with the International Team for your life.



Estuve hablando con una persona que no conoce a Jesús como su Señor y Salvador personal. Las características del Hombre es que tiene una muy buena educación, muy ágil con los negocios, muy emprendedor de grandes desafíos. En otras palabras, un Sujeto de éxito. Pero al conversar con Él, estaba abrumado, desesperado, angustiado, sin esperanza y muy deprimido. No había un solo segundo en la conversación nuestra, una palabra de aliento. Todo era derrota y fracaso, sin futuro, pues la palabra Crisis tenía empotrado en su mente.
Al escuchar atentamente a este Caballero, que me pregunta, Qué piensas de esta fatal Crisis mundial que azota sin piedad este planeta llamado Tierra. Di una sonrisa a este personaje, mencioné lo que dice la Biblia. Jesús dijo estas palabras: ‘’Edificaré mi iglesia, y los poderes de la muerte jamás podrán vencer”,(Versión BL95 Biblia Latinoamericana). En sencillas palabras le expliqué la Misión de Jesús al morir en la Cruz del Calvario. Toda aquella persona que tiene a Jesús como Salvador personal, ningún daño sufrirá. Porque la Crisis es un Espíritu de Muerte que ataca las Finanzas. Es una estrategia que viene del mismo infierno. Eso hace que muchas personas lleguen a perder las ganas de vivir, de seguir adelante, de luchar. Pierden la alegría de vivir y entran en un estado depresivo sin salida.

Esto es lo que busca nuestro enemigo en común, el diablo. Si logró engañar a alguien que no conoce el Poder de Cristo, está triste, amargado, y todo lo que mencioné antes. Cuál es la solución de este problema, muy sencillo, renunciar a estos espíritus que se manifiestan, tal vez, en tu vida actual. Tu puedes salir de este camino sin salida. Tengo otra buena noticia para tu vida, en Isaías 54.17.a del Antiguo Testamento (Versión DHH Dios Habla Hoy) dice: ‘’ Pero nadie ha hecho el arma que pueda destruirte. Otra versión de la Biblia PDT (Palabra de Dios para Todo) dice: ‘’ No tendrá éxito ningún arma que se fabrique para hacerte daño’’. La Crisis es un arma creada en el infierno para destruir tus finanzas, por tanto, no te podrá hacer ningún daño. Porque tu herencia en Dios es la abundancia. Eres su Hijo/a amado, eres la niña de sus ojos.
La Crisis te quiere destruir, pero Tu destrúyela, confiando plenamente en Dios nuestro Padre Celestial, que tiene cuidado de nuestras vidas. ‘’Descargad sobre Él todas vuestras preocupaciones, porque Él cuida de vosotros” (Versión La Sagrada Biblia NT EUNSA). El te ama con amor eterno. Tiene la capacidad de ayudarte. Asistirte en cualquier problema que se presenta para tu vida. Dar la solución definitiva para ti. Él es Creador. Un Ser Sobrenatural. Con mucho Poder y toda su Gracia está a tu favor.
El Hombre de la historia fue mu
y inteligente. Abrió su corazón a Jesús y dijo: ‘’ Hoy me siento seguro. En este día he vencido a la Crisis, pues Jesús es mi Salvador personal''. Si todavía no tienes a Jesús como Señor y Salvador y perdonador de todos tus pecados. Te invito que hagas una Oración de Fe, repitiendo estas sencillas palabras: Jesús quiero ser un Vencedor. Quiero vencer a la Crisis, por eso me arrepiento de todos mis pecados y te acepto como mi único y suficiente Salvador. Me sumerjo en tu sangre preciosa y soy limpio de todos mis pecados. Gracias Jesús. Amén.
Te dejo un mail mrestauracionyvida@Gmail.com que con mucho gusto te responderé cualquier inquietud que tengas. El Ministerio Mundial Restauración y Vida estará orando por ti y tu familia.


It is so important to know the verbs that were used by God when he referred to the creation of man in Genesis, “And God said, Let us make man in our image and likeness. May he have dominion over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the domestic animals, over the wild animals, and over all reptiles that crawl on the ground. And God created the Human Being in his image, he created them in the image of God, male and female he created them.”
In this Second Part of the Origen of Man, I want to speak briefly describing the thought of God. When he said that the Human Being be made in his likeness, God was saying that the being created by him would have the same essence as Him (the Creator). In other words, equal to Him, making transference of his same essence and characteristics. We can deduct that this has nothing to do with the physical appearance of God the Creator. The Hebrew verbs tselem and demut give witness to the thought of God. The first word means essential, copy. And the other word means characteristic and essence.

Besides, man was given the capability of dominating the other living creatures on earth that were created by God. The Bible itself describes this in Genesis 1:26, which we saw previously. I want to mention that God the Creator is above all his creation. The created Human Being was placed in the Rank of God and was given the faculty of exercising dominion over his creation. This refers exclusively to Earth. There was a problem. Man lost his power that was given to him by God when they disobeyed the Creator in the Garden of Eden. They were stripped of this power when they succumbed to sin.
To amend this error on part of the Human Beings, Adam and Eve, Creator God had to send his Son Christ to repair the damage Adam had done. “But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law” (Galatians 4:4). This is the fulfillment of the promise of God. When Man sinned in the Garden, and this fatal even occurred, God gave a promise for his creation. “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers: he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel” (Genesis 3:15). This indicates that God would never leave his creation, man, forsaken.

When the time had fully come, God sent his Son. After Jesus died on the cross and resurrected the third day, he said these words “all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28.18 – 20) Amen.
This is a transferring of the Power of God for all Human Beings. These words were given to the disciples of Jesus. “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his Word by the signs that accompanied them” (Mark 16:20). Jesus was able to reestablish the lost communion of the Human Being. This was achieved through his innocent death on the Cross. This is how he recovered the power that was delegated to the First Man on the face of the earth, Adam. That is why Revelation 1:8, 18 says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega…who is and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty…I am the Living One; I was dead and behold I am alive forever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades.”

Adam failed because he was a copy. Jesus was the original. That is why he overcame sin and death. He was able to return humanity to its original state. I feel very excited knowing that my origin was retrieved by God my Father. That my earthly parents gave me a container, which is a body, so that God could instill his breath of life, in this world of the living to fulfill his will and his purpose.
I hope that you also feel the same and are very happy knowing that you come from God and that there we will go to be with Him forever. Hallelujah!
Finally, I must tell you a requirement to be a possessor of this blessing in your life. You must have Jesus as your Lord and Personal Savior in your life. This is the passport to have entrance into Heaven. He said “I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). Here you have the opportunity to do so. You only need to repent this prayer with me, saying, "Jesus I repent of all my sins, because I am a sinner. Cleanse me with your precious blood because I want to be part of your kingdom. I promise to serve you for the rest of my life. Amen.”

You can send me an e-mail. Tell me about yourself. This is very important to God and to me. I will be praying for your life together with the World Team, who will also be praying for your needs. mrestauracionyvida@Gmail.com


Human Beings are always seeking their origin. For example, there was a young man who did not know his father and was raised by his mother. He only knows his grandparents, his aunts and uncles, his cousins, but he feels the need to also know who his father is. He sought him out though all means with anxious desire to know that person. Some have lost little brothers and sisters who went to live with other families due to the circumstances of life. They try to meet each other because this is normal in human beings.

I have used this simple example to talk about the true origin of man. In other words, this earthly being that inhabits this planet called Earth. There are various races, colors of skin, and languages that exists here. I mention it this way to show what I am going to write in this article. I go to the Bible, the Word of God in Genesis 1:26: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness”. Man had never existed, and was made. The word “create” comes from the Hebrew word Bara. It means to create from nothing. The word “let us” uses the verb Asa, which means to form something that is already created.

This refutes all theory that man comes from an evolution through time. There is a theory that says: Man is a descendant of the monkey. Other theories that are taught in schools or other institutions as well. God created the universe. He created all the animals and plants on land and in the water. Here I want to stop to give you a revelation. “When God created all that we see on earth, he said “MULTIPLY” AND FILL THE EARTH. The multiplication of each being that has life. So then, each human being has the capacity to multiply in everything. This also affects our economy. God gives you ideas so that you can progress in life and obtain a good economic position and have in abundance.

That is why you must put effort into training yourself. You should finish high school and try to go on to college. Be clever in seeking the face of God. Be faithful in your attitudes towards Him. Always wait on Him because He is your source. I am going to mention something simple. The fish in the water can live very well, because it is adapted to that environment. It can breathe, eat, and move from one place to another.
A person cannot live in water because he or she cannot breathe in water. In synthesis, it is not his or her habitat. Due to this revelation, you must always live in your habitat, in your source. The fish’s source is the water. If it leaves the water, it dies. Man’s source is God and for this reason we must always be in communion with our Maker.
He created all that we see, visible and invisible. A Creator exists. The Hebrew word Abba describes god as Father of all Creation. When he made Man from nothing, man was given power to dominate the earth. He placed him over the animals of all species and over all the plants. In other words, he authorized him; he delegated power to govern this planet in harmony. He placed him as equal to God himself, because God represented the visible Kingdom of God because the Kingdom of God is invisible.

When your parents procreated you, God intervened when you were conceived. The Bible says, “The breath of the Omnipotent made me; He formed me.” God used this container so you would have a body. He did this with Adam. He was a container made by God. So that Adam would have life, God breathed his breath into him, and in this way he became a Living Being. The doll made of clay became alive, had life. The origin of Adam is God. In him (Adam), the human descendents multiplied.

Finally I want to tell you that your parents were used by God so that you would have a body. Your true origin is God. He gave you the breath of life, and in this way one can explain the spirit. When someone dies, the spirit returns to God and one decided where his or her soul will go. Sin separated man from God. His Son Christ came to save us from the second death, which is the total and eternal separation from God. He came to forgive all of the sins of all humanity and to write our name in the Book of Life. Jesus came to die for all humanity. You must only recognize that you need him and accept him as your Lord and Personal Savior.

Maybe your earthly parents were unable to give you all that you need. For that reason, now that you know your origin, that you are a direct descendent of God, you can come into his throne of grace boldly, calling upon the name of Christ. Your petitions will be heard and answered by God, because His very essence is Love.
If you have not received Jesus in your heart yet, you can say this prayer of faith: “Beloved Jesus. I want to be part of your kingdom. I repent of my sins. Cleanse me with your precious blood. Write my name in the Book of Life, because only you are my Lord and Personal Savior. Amen”.

This is my e-mail address: mrestauracionyvida@gmanil.com Write to me and let me know about your decision. I will be praying for you personally for God to be made manifest in your life.