Cual fue la solución de Dios para este problema. Me dijo, Echará fuera toda fortaleza de mentira y de religiosidad. Y plantará en su mente las promesas de Dios que es para su vida. Ella aceptó esta propuesta y fue libre desde ese momento. Cuando Jesús fue tentado en el desierto por el Diablo, le venció con la Palabra y pronunció esta frase: ‘’Escrito está”; No hay otra. Salió Satanás corriendo como alma en pena, no pudo soportar lo que Dios habló y nos dejó escrito. La Palabra de Dios es el arma más que letal para todo el infierno, potestades, principados, gobernadores, huestes de maldad de las regiones celestes. La Hermana me dijo, no soy merecedora de tanta gracia. Esta es la mentira religiosa que tiene mucho poder en el ambiente cristiano. No es verdad, Tu si tienes a Jesús como tu Salvador personal eres Hijo de Dios y automáticamente todos los privilegios del Reino son tuyos. Ella goza de la bendición que le da su Padre Celestial y vive viendo milagro en su vida.
Si todavía no has tomado la decisión para que Jesús sea el dueño de tu vida, ésta es una oportunidad para pedirle que te perdone todos tus pecados y anote tu nombre en el Libro de la Vida. Repite esta oración conmigo diciendo: “Jesús te entrego mi corazón, invoco tu nombre y me arrepiento de todos mis pecados. Salva mi alma y anota mi nombre en el Libro de la Vida. Amén.Te dejo mi direccion de mail, puedes escribirme alli y estaremos orando por ti y tus necesidades. QUE TENGAS UNA VIDA LLENA DE BENDICIONES Y DE ABUNDANCIA AQUI EN LA TIERRA PARA LUEGO ENTRAR EN LA ETERNIDAD DE NUESTRO DIOS.
Because they did not realize their blessings, because they simply did not change their way of thinking, they had the mentality that they were slaves, even when they were free. They still felt in their hearts that they were slaves and they had to live that way until their deaths. For that reason, there are people that say, “I am poor. May parents were poor. My generation is poor, and I will also die poor.” That is simply because they have this mentality of poverty in their minds and they do not change it. Gospel means good news, new news, and new announcements for the human being. It tells us that God has incalculable riches for his children that accept Jesus as their Lord and Personal Savior. The saddest thing about these people is that they proclaim and complain about their poverty. The people of Israel were constantly complaining. Their complaints were that they did not have onions and garlic. How ironic, isn’t it? For two insignificant things, they were complaining. I don’t know what your complaint is, but I invite you to stop complaining. Just thank God for what you have and change your mentality. Say, “From now on I am a prosperous man/woman. I have materials good that God is preparing for me. I am going to receive and it will be in abundance. I will enjoy it and so will the generations after me.” The blessing brings joy and not sadness.
I want to give you some revelations for your life, so that you can practice them. Remember what happened to the Israelites. I would not want you to commit the same errors.
1. Be grateful to God for all that you have. Look at the things you have in your house: utensils, clothes, beds, etc.
2. Be grateful for the health in your life and that of your family. If someone is sick, even give thanks for the sickness that they had, because the Bible says that by the stripes of Jesus he or she was already healed.
3. Be thankful for the daily bread that you eat, no matter what the quality. You have something on your table to eat, and you are not going hungry.
4. Give thanks for the money that you have at the end of the month or week, because you have it. Some people don’t know when they are going to have money to cover their needs. You have it, so don’t complain that it’s very little and it’s not enough to cover all of your needs. Just give thanks.
5. After you have given thanks to God for all that you have, I want you to throw a big party. Rejoice in your heart, reunite all of your family and tell them “These are our blessings and we welcome you to our home, to our money, to our health and all that we have.” I want to you laugh with all of your heart and to be happy with your family. You can do this as a birthday and as a wedding where everyone is happy. Do it, because you will see how God opens the doors of heaven and pours out a blessing that is more than abundant.
6. Do you know why the bread and fish were multiplied in the hand of Jesus? It was because he always was grateful. Where you are grateful in everything, you will see how everything is multiplied in your life.
7. Complaining chases away your blessings and brings spiritual death in your life. The devil manages your family life and your economy. Don’t allow complaining in your life.
8. Finally, maybe you do not see your blessing yet, but in your mind and in your heart, your blessings already exist. They will be a reality son. Just wait and continue giving thanks. This will bring your blessing. It will bring peace to your life and you will see your dream and projects achieved in God.
If you still do not have Jesus in your heart, you can invite him in now by repeating this simple prayer of faith. “Jesus I want to have you in my heart. That is why I accept you as my Lord and Personal Savior. I ask you to forgive all of my sins. Write my name in the book of Life. Amen.” If you have said this prayer for the first time, this is my e-mail address:
Write to me and we will be praying for your life and your family.
He had absolute confidence in God and what he could do though Him. Paul only had to rest in God, watching his miracle occur. The same thing happened to Moses, when the Egyptians were getting closer. They were in front of the sea and what does God say to Moses? “Tell the people to march.” Where should they march? Towards the sea. They continued their walk, trusting that God would do a miracle, and He did. He opened the Red Sea and they passed over without a problem and without anyone even getting wet. No one suffered any damage; all crossed over well. In another passage, God said to Moses, “Jehovah will fight for you and you will be safe.” Who’s struggle is it? Is it yours? If it is, you have a problem. But if the struggle is God’s, it is different because it is not your wisdom, your money, or your knowledge. It is God who is helping you and overcoming for you. Another example is when Jehoshaphat was in the besieged city. He told the people, “Believe in God, believe in his prophets and you will be safe.” The people were dying of hunger, but God promised that he would take them out of that situation. And he did so. Whatever your difficulty, ALL POWERFUL GOD WILL SAVE YOU AND WILL DO A GREAT MIRACLE IN YOUR LIFE. They simply believed in God, and they unleashed the hand of God to act. On one occasion, God spoke to me saying that we tie His hand of power by our unbelief. That word broke my heart. He told me that in His own city He could not do many miracles due to the unbelief of the people. For that reason, I invite you to renounce disbelief. Because that spirit is an assassin. It kills your hope, it kills your illusion, and it kills your plans and your project. It kills our economy. It’s simple. Tell unbelief to leave your life in the name of Jesus and renounce disbelief. Begin to believe in God and in His promises. This is done by reading the Bible.
I want to tell you that you must begin to change your way of thinking. Speak positively. Say that you are the child of a Great King, and you are not lying because you are the child of the God who made the Universe. The way you think will determine the quality of life that you will live. Say that you are a doctor, an architect, an engineer, a great business man or woman, or a great preacher known in the entire world. If you apply the word “EVERYTHING”, there are no limits. Only you can put limits on your life. God will never put limits on your life. Besides, analyze your thoughts before you do things because a mistaken thought can bring ruin to your life, but if you make a correct decision in God, it will bring life and eternal blessing. Don’t do what Eve did. She heard what God said. She also heard what the devil said. Unfortunately she chose what the devil spoke to her, and we live the consequences of that decision even today. But thank God for Christ who came to die for our sins and who gave us eternal life again. This word “EVERYTHING” is accompanied by another very important element. It tells you that it’s not you, that it’s Christ who helps you, who guides you, who teaches you, who takes care of you, who keeps you and who strengthens you. Isn’t it worth applying these principles to your life? Isn’t it worth it to change your way of thinking? Of course it is. A 14 year old young man who studies with much sacrifice told me, “Preacher, I am going to be a great doctor, and I will be the best. My present is not good, but my future will be better because the Lord Jesus is with me and He can do this for me.” This message is dedicated to that young man, Loribal Dos Santos.
He made me see the power of the word that says, “I CAN DO ALL THINGS IN CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME”. That young man lives in Favela – Rio de Janeiro - Brazil and I know that he will be a great doctor. Apply this simple principle to your life and I assure you that it will change you for good and forever. I invite you to receive Christ in your life. He will make this word a reality in you. Just say to him, “Jesus, I want you to enter my heart as my Lord and Personal Savior. I ask you to cleanse all of my sins with your precious blood. Write my name in the book of life. Amen.”
If you have said this prayer for the first time, here is my e-mail address. Write to me: The ministry team will pray for your life and your family.
There must be a change of mentality and attitude in the lives of people. It is not what you eat or what you wear that makes you holy before God. That was the problem between Jesus and the Pharisees. You must have a mentality that is open to the things of God. He has a very peculiar form of being creative in all that he does. You must renounce this state of life to see the blessings of God. Legalism and religion blind people. Therefore, they cannot see the power of God. That is why they were not apt to learn. If you are not teachable, you are not reachable. They were not humble. I heard a preacher friend saying that “humility is having the capacity to be taught”. That was recorded in my mind. That is why you must have a renewed mind. Leave behind your old way of thinking and say to the Lord, “You taught me this, but I want something better. I want a new revelation, another dimension of spiritual life, another new experience. You will see how God will reveal new things in your life.
It was the Sabbath and he said to them. “Let me ask you something. Is it licit to do good or to do evil on the Sabbath? To save life or to take it away?” Jesus was saying, “Wake up!” Legalism, religion or a day is not what leads to holiness. You must have an open mind so that the Lord can speak to you and show you new things that you do not know. He has a Rhema word for your life that will change your mentality, your aptitude. You will not be a failure in life. You will be victorious, a champion, a struggler that knows how to fight the good fight. You will be someone who knows how to confront the difficulties of this life; a person will be at peace even when the world is falling and in the middle of storms and tempests. You will encourage others to continue moving forward, serving God.
Finally, there was a man among the Pharisees and scribes that was attentive to the teaching of Jesus. He was able to comprehend the idea of the Master. He turned his eyes to God. He received a command from Jesus. He was able to hear and understand that God was talking to him. “Rise up and stand in the midst.” In other words, Jesus was saying, “I’m going to demonstrate the power of the Word in your life. You are now among people that don’t want anything to do with me or anyone else. You have a big problem. Your hand doesn’t allow you to work. You earn your daily bread with much effort. People make fun ofyou for your physical states. I will heal you; I will restore you so that you can help yourself.”
Many people are like this spiritually. They stopped using their spiritual hands for God. They stopped being instruments for God. They stopped praising God in the church choir. They stopped preaching in the hospitals, convention centers, churches. They stopped preaching to their friends at work, school and college. They stopped because some religious, legalistic person damaged their spiritual life with God. Just forgive those people. It wasn’t them. It was hell using their lives to hurt you. You will have a great spiritual and physical liberation. A great weight will fall off your life and you will be free. “If the Son of God sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Today is your day of freedom.
This man was among an unbelieving people. He did not allow anyone to rob his blessing. He put the instructions of Jesus into practice and he obeyed. It was impossible for him to extend his hand because it was lifeless, withered. But he tried and God did the rest through His Word and the miracle occurred. Wait on God. He will always give a Rhema word for you. That man received it and his hand was restored. So now, by the power of the Word of God, you are also restored. Your spiritual hand works for God again. That man left that place happily, joyfully, shouting for gladness. You do the same. Thank God for this time and this Word that is only for you. Believe it. Receive now, in this moment, your miracle, your healing.
If you still do not have Jesus in your heart, I invite you to ask him in by repeating this simple prayer of faith with me: “Jesus, today I invite you to enter my heart. Please, I ask you to forgive my sins. Today I accept your blood to cleanse me of all wickedness. Amen.”
If you have said this prayer for the first time, we have a team of people that will pray for your life. Here is our e-mail address:
We will pray for you, for your heath and for your family.
Otro Principio del Reino de los Cielos es una Verdad Bíblica, desplaza a una Mentira diabólica. En nuestro escondite en Cristo, podemos estar enfermos. Que dice la Verdad Bíblica “ y por su llaga fuimos nosotros curados”. Estamos enfrentando crisis finaciera “Jehová es mi Pastor nada me faltará”. Ahora Tu puedes poner el problema o la enfermedad que tengas y ordenarle en el Nombre de Jesús que se vaya. Tendrá que salir huyendo. Ese lugar en donde estás escondido es la misma presencia de Dios. Solo el desconocimiento tuyo le dio derecho legal a Satanás para que te fastidie. Ahora Tu ya sabes tu posición en Dios. Ejerce tu autoriddad en Cristo, El dijo: “En mi nombre echarán fuera demonios. La enfermedad te dejará. La miseria se irá y vendrá la abundancia y la bendición multiplicada en tu vida. Si no tienes a Jesús en tu vida, esta Oración la cambiará. Repite esta frase: Jesús perdona mis pecados. Soy pecador, límpiame con tu sangre preciosa. Anota mi nombre en el Libro de la Vida, Amén. Te dejo mi direccion de mail, espero por ti, El Equipo Internacional y mi persona orará por tu vida. QUE VIVAS UNA VIDA VICTORIOSA EN CRISTO JESUS.