Human Beings are always seeking their origin. For example, there was a young man who did not know his father and was raised by his mother. He only knows his grandparents, his aunts and uncles, his cousins, but he feels the need to also know who his father is. He sought him out though all means with anxious desire to know that person. Some have lost little brothers and sisters who went to live with other families due to the circumstances of life. They try to meet each other because this is normal in human beings.
I have used this simple example to talk about the true origin of man. In other words, this earthly being that inhabits this planet called Earth. There are various races, colors of skin, and languages that exists here. I mention it this way to show what I am going to write in this article. I go to the Bible, the Word of God in Genesis 1:26: “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness”. Man had never existed, and was made. The word “create” comes from the Hebrew word Bara. It means to create from nothing. The word “let us” uses the verb Asa, which means to form something that is already created.
This refutes all theory that man comes from an evolution through time. There is a theory that says: Man is a descendant of the monkey. Other theories that are taught in schools or other institutions as well. God created the universe. He created all the animals and plants on land and in the water. Here I want to stop to give you a revelation. “When God created all that we see on earth, he said “MULTIPLY” AND FILL THE EARTH. The multiplication of each being that has life. So then, each human being has the capacity to multiply in everything. This also affects our economy. God gives you ideas so that you can progress in life and obtain a good economic position and have in abundance.
That is why you must put effort into training yourself. You should finish high school and try to go on to college. Be clever in seeking the face of God. Be faithful in your attitudes towards Him. Always wait on Him because He is your source. I am going to mention something simple. The fish in the water can live very well, because it is adapted to that en
vironment. It can breathe, eat, and move from one place to another.
A person cannot live in water because he or she cannot breathe in water. In synthesis, it is not his or her habitat. Due to this revelation, you must always live in your habitat, in your source. The fish’s source is the water. If it leaves the water, it dies. Man’s source is God and for this reason we must always be in communion with our Maker.
He created all that we see, visible and invisible. A Creator exists. The Hebrew word Abba describes god as Father of all Creation. When he made Man from nothing, man was given power to dominate the earth. He placed him over the animals of all species and over all the plants. In other words, he authorized him; he delegated power to govern this planet in harmony. He placed him as equal to God himself, because God represented the visible Kingdom of God because the Kingdom of God is invisible.
When your parents procreated you, God intervened when you were conceived. The Bible says, “The breath of the Omnipotent made me; He formed me.” God used this container so you would have a body. He did this with Adam. He was a container made by God. So that Adam would have life, God breathed his breath into him, and in this way he became a Living Being. The doll made of clay became alive, had life. The origin of Adam is God. In him (Adam), the human descendents multiplied.
Finally I want to tell you that your parents were used by God so that you would have a body. Your true origin is God. He gave you the breath of life, and in
this way one can explain the spirit. When someone dies, the spirit returns to God and one decided where his or her soul will go. Sin separated man from God. His Son Christ came to save us from the second death, which is the total and eternal separation from God. He came to forgive all of the sins of all humanity and to write our name in the Book of Life. Jesus came to die for all humanity. You must only recognize that you need him and accept him as your Lord and Personal Savior.
Maybe your earthly parents were unable to give you all that you need. For that reason, now that you know your origin, that you are a direct descendent of God, you can come into his throne of grace boldly, calling upon the name of Christ. Your petitions will be heard and answered by God, because His very essence is Love.
If you have not received Jesus in your heart yet, you can say this prayer of faith: “Beloved Jesus. I want to be part of your kingdom. I repent of my sins. Cleanse me with your precious blood. Write my name in the Book of Life, because only you are my Lord and Personal Savior. Amen”.
This is my e-mail address: Write to me and let me know about your decision. I will be praying for you personally for God to be made manifest in your life.