I was asked to post a message about how to have economic freedom. On this occasion, I will make reference to something so simple that we sometimes forget it. The entire secret is summed up in GIVING. We must change our mentality from only receiving. Greater is the person that gives. In this aspect, we fail. Remember, a change in mentality brings miracles. You must change your mentality of only receiving. You must have a mentality of giving without expecting anything in return. Now THAT is having a kingdom mentality.

You must renounce all spirit of stinginess and self-centeredness. These are spirits that rob us of the blessings of God in our lives. The widow of the New Testament gave all that she had. Jesus said that she gave more than all of the other people who gave put together. They gave out of what they had left over. She did the contrary; she gave what she did not have. She gave everything: all that she had to sustain herself. In other words, she gave her life, because the money represented her daily bread.

All of the Kingdom of Heaven works on the basis of giving. There are people who have little or just so-so and stop giving. They retain. When they do this, they ha
ve less because they are not sowing. God blessed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. He said “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth….” And in this there is another revelation: How do things (money, food, clothes, etc.) multiply? Simply by giving! This attitude of giving symbolizes a seed that you plant in the spiritual world. God has already blessed you with all the blessing that you need in the Garden of Eden. Your task is to multiply yourself, in love, generosity, in everything.

When you have financial problems, you should plant a seed of money and you will reap money. According to each seed that you sow, you will reap. When God created the earth, he created only the earth. He began to create animals, but he did not create thousands at a time. He created a pair and gave them the command to multiply. God created a couple in the Garden of Eden: Adam and Eve. He did not create thousands of human beings. Now I can prove to you that this works because
today there are 6 billion people on earth, thousands and thousands of trees, fish, birds, etc., and their origin was from just one pair.

You must have a mentality of giving at all times. And you must also have a mentality of reaping your harvest. A farmer sows seed and the more he sows, the more possibility he has of reaping more. What a principle, isn’t it? What a teaching! Well then, you do the same. Sow clothes, and you will reap clothes. Sow food and you will reap food. Sow love, and you will reap love, each seed according to its kind.

There are people who give a dollar and want to receive a million. They sow little, and they will reap little. The Apostle Paul clearly wrote, “He who sows scarcely will reap scarcely.” So, begin to sow in abundance and you will reap in abundance. Sow in your church by giving your tithe and offerings voluntarily. Give to missions. Give to orphanage projects. Give to homeless shelters. Give to foreign missionaries. Give to evangelistic ministries. That is how you will have financial liberty.

Jesus wants to bless you in abundance. For that, you must have him in your heart. If you have not yet accepted him, you can say a prayer of faith with me: “Christ Jesus, I want to have you in my heart. I accept you as my only Lord and sufficient Savior of my life. I repent of my sins. I ask you to forgive each one of them and for your blood to cleanse me now. Amen.” If you have said this prayer for the first time in your life, I leave you my e-mail so you can write to me:

We will be praying for you with the World Ministry, who support this ministry.


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